Hello there, let’s chat

I have done a lot of things in the short span of the last 15 years of my life.

I survived cancer at 23; I started my first business at 25; I competed as a figure athlete at 27; I became a certified fitness professional at 29; took a 180-degree career change into the tech and corporate work, and pivot back to an integrative cancer health coach.
Pretty mouthful, huh?

I write real stories from my heart as a free-spirited born-again soul living in Singapore.

My hope with Yours, Yan is that my stories, somehow, send a ripple of positive, loving, and healing touch to your heart, wherever you are. As a bonus, who knows we may be soul-aligned kindreds.

Values I abide by and hold close: 

  • Authenticity

  • Kindness

  • Integrity

  • Resilience

  • Empathy 

  • Compassion

  • Loyalty 

  • Sustainability

  • Spirituality

  • Harmony

  • Joy

If you find the newsletter endearing and valuable, please consider either or and the following ways:

  1. Sharing Yours, Yan with your network. 

    Share Yours, Yan

  2. Tip jar on my ko-fi page.
    (Where possible, I pay it forward with other charitable pursuits or to writers too.)

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Subscribe to Yours, Yan

Subscribe to Yours, Yan for honest, engaging, and thoughtful discussions towards a happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives for those above 30.

Be Kind First. People are fighting battles we don’t always see.

You are never alone. Your kindred is somewhere out there, I promise you.

About Yan Huang

Having suffered childhood malaises and survived cancer at age 23, these experiences propelled her into the world of health, movement and well-being.

Yan is a Certified Health Coach, Writer, Movement Practitioner, and a Cancer Survivor at 23. She holds multiple certifications and trainings in health and well-being towards building health resiliency from within. She never stops learning, growing and evolving as a healer for self and others.

Her articles and videos are published on Medium and YouTube.

You can also catch her on Twitter @yanhuangwrites and Instagram @therealyanhuang

If you like what you read or feel like supporting a cancer survivor’s journey way back into life, consider tipping Yan @ ko-fi.com/yuyanhuang

(Where possible, she pays it forward with other charitable pursuits or to writers too.)

Subscribe to Yours, Yan

Yours, Yan -- A newsletter for those above 30 who want to live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives with soul-aligned kindreds.


Women's Health, Energy Movement and Qigong Practitioner. Cancer Survivor at 23. | I Write Stories From My Heart and Life's Experiences as an Observer.